Name: Ryohei Suzuki
Alternativnamen: 鈴木亮平
Tätigkeit: Schauspieler
Geschlecht: Männlich
Geburtstag: 29.03.1983
Geburtsort: Japan
Tsubaki Sanjuro (2007)
It's On Me (2009)
Surely Someday (2010)
Swing me Again (2010)
Hankyu Railways - A 15-Minute Miracle (2011)
Train Brain Express (2012)
Judas (2013)
Kid's Police (2013)
HK: Forbidden Super Hero (2013)*
Seventh Code (2013)
Hot Road (2014)
Have a Song on Your Lips (2015) - Stimme
Our Little Sister (2015)
The Lion Standing in the Wind (2015)
My Love Story!! (2015)
Something Like, Something Like It (2016)
HK2: The Abnormal Crisis (2016) *
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate (2016)
Higanjima: Vampire Island (2016)
Mumon: The Land of Stealth (2017)
A Forest of Wool and Steel (2018)
Baragaki: Unbroken Samurai (2021)
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room The Movie (2023)
Egoist (2023)
City Hunter (2024) - Netflix