• Name:
    Alternativnamen: ,
    Geschlecht: männlich
    Geburtstag: 25.10.1962
    Beruf: Regiseur, Drehbuchautor


    Als Regiseur (Auswahl):

    Room for Two (1995)
    Torso (1995)
    Soul (1995)
    Lovers (1996)
    Thief (1997)
    낫 (1997)
    Umbrella (1997)
    Ocean (1998)
    Ashes in the Thicket (1999)
    Record of April 23 (2000)
    My Beautiful Girl, Mari (2002)
    O-nu-ri (2004)
    Texture of Skin (2005)
    [lexicon]Yobi, the Five Tailed Fox[/lexicon] (2007)
    A Day of Water Giant (2008)
    A Monster in the Reservoir (2012)
    Aksim (2014)
    [lexicon]Kai[/lexicon] (2016)

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